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Safe Alternatives for Abused Families helps those who are victims of crimes in recognizing their rights as crime victims and assist them throughout the court process. We provide guidance with the criminal case process, referrals to other victim service providers, assistance with requests for benefits to which you may be entitled, and notifications about offender criminal case and incarceration status.

As a Crime Victim in North Dakota, Your Rights Include:

1) To be informed of: 

  • The progression of offenders' criminal court cases, court event schedules, plea agreements/verdicts, details of bail, pretrial release conditions, and methods of protection.

  • Offenders' leave/transfer/release from custodian facilities.

  • How to register for court and incarceration notifications. 


2) How to be referred to all appropriate and available victim support services.


3) To be present throughout the trial, except as provided by Rule 615, and to be provided, if possible, a separate waiting area at trial.


4) To submit a victim impact statement prior to sentencing.


5) If applicable, to receive assistance with requests for employer intercession, witness fees, return property, and crime victim compensation. 


The purpose of the Victim Witness Assistance Program is to ensure that crime victims in Ramsey, Benson, Towner, Nelson, Eddy, and Wells Counties are afforded their rights.

Crisis Intervention and Guidance

Victims often feel many emotions in the aftermath of a crime and experience confusion while trying to navigate the criminal justice system. As active listeners, we can assist you in sorting through the feelings you may be experiencing and help you reconnect with your inner strength. In addition to providing crisis intervention, we will remain your trusted partner throughout the criminal justice process. We will explain each step of the process, answer all of your questions, be here to listen, and attend court events with you.

Community Resources and Referrals

Victims often find it helpful to seek assistance from support services, such as rape crisis centers, elderly victim services, child victim advocates, victim assistance hotlines, social service agencies, and domestic violence programs. Many resources are available in the community, and we can initiate contact with them on your behalf. 

Victim Advocacy

and Assistance 

We also serve as liaisons with law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system to ensure you receive the information and benefits to which you are entitled. We are here to help you write your victim impact statement and explain your role in sentencing. We can also assist you with requests for employer intersession, witness fees, prompt return of personal property, and crime victim compensation.


In partnership with the ND Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Program (ND SAVIN), we provide free, confidential, and auto-mated VINE® notifications to keep you informed on offenders' cases and incarceration statuses. Notification methods include phone, email, and text.


Visit, click on North Dakota, and follow the guided instructions to receive notifications. Please note:


  • Court notifications include charges, court statuses and events, and disposition.

  • Incarceration notifications include offender release, escape, leave, transfer, parole board, and parole/probation status.

  • To receive both court and incarceration notifications, create two registrations at (under Offenders with Court Cases and under Offenders).

  • You may use multiple numbers and email addresses, not through business lines.

  • Phone notifications require confirmation.

  • For 24/7 support with VINE, call 1-866-631-8463. Press "1" for English, "1" for VINE, and "0" for an operator.


Please contact your Victim Witness Advocate for assistance with registering or if you would prefer to receive notifications by mail. If your contact information changes, please update your victim witness advocate to continue to receive notifications.

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